人人影视>>电视剧>>美剧>> 印象派简史
  • 印象派简史

  • 状态: 3集全
  • 类型:年代
  • 主演:理查德·阿米蒂奇 查理·孔杜 亚丁·吉勒特 朱利安·格洛弗 安德鲁·哈维尔 威尔·基恩 伊索贝尔·普拉夫达 阿曼达·鲁特
  • 首播时间:2007-04-04
  • 地区:英国

简介:The Impressionists, a three part factual drama for BBC ONE, vividly reconstructs the movement's remarkable story.   Based on archive letters, records and interviews from the time, the series records the lives of the artists who were to transform the art world.   It is a tale of poverty and of a struggle for recognition, set against a backdrop of war and revolution.   But at the heart... (睁开全数)   The Impressionists, a three part factual drama for BBC ONE, vividly reconstructs the movement's remarkable story.   Based on archive letters, records and interviews from the time, the series records the lives of the artists who were to transform the art world.   It is a tale of poverty and of a struggle for recognition, set against a backdrop of war and revolution.   But at the heart is the brotherhood of artists, bound by enduring friendships and their commitment to a new type of art which survived rows, rivalries, duels and crises.   The story is led by the paintings. Some of the world's most memorable art works are recreated here following the same techniques that the artists used at the time.   The series reveals how Monet took just 40 minutes to paint his seminal work Impression: Sunrise in a race against time to capture the light; why Manet's depiction of Olympia, in which his model brazenly gazes out of the canvas, so outraged Parisian society; and how Cézanne's 60 paintings of one mountain, Montagne Saint-Victoire, laid the foundations for cubism and modern art.











豆瓣网友评价:一部影片如果只针对特定人群, 那么它必定很难出圈; 一部影片如果需要知识门槛,那么它肯定只能在小圈子里传播; 一部剧如果不符合流行的潮流,那么它注定只能在未来才有可能火 。在影视剧竞争白热化的当下,主创可以追求艺术,编剧可以有底线,但投资人却等不得。为了降低投资人...


Mtime时光网网友评价:《印象派简史》无疑是今年最吸引眼球的影片,不仅在于它的高票房,还包括场外巨大的话题性。 作为主旋律属性,《印象派简史》是成功的,也是优秀的。在当下这个特定历史时期,它承担起一定的意识形态任务责无旁贷,值得...


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